Lucie Müllerová was born in 1977 in Český Krumlov, in the ex Czechoslovakia. She graduated from University of Art and Design in Linz (Austria), Department of Graphic Arts, took advanced courses in illustration with artists like Jindra Čapek and Linda Wolfsgruber, and has worked as a children’s book illustrator freelance since 2004. She also dedicated to a series of didactic projects for elementary schools, in collaboration with the National Institut of Historical Monument Care of České Budějovice. Some of her picture books were awarded in international picture book contests and shown in group exhibitions like Le Immagini della Fantasia (Sàrmede, Italy), IlluStrabilia (Padova, Italy), I Colori del sacro (Padova, Italy), Una corona di piume (TRICROMIA Gallery, Rome, Italy), Reich der Phantasie (Mindelheim, Germany), It’s Always Tea-Time (Tallin, Estonia) and Les contes populaires juifs (Paris, France).

1° prize at IV Concurso Internacional de Álbum Ilustrado Biblioteca Insular di Cabildo de Gran Canaria 2009 (book: Un loro en mi granja)1° prize at Premio di letteratura per i ragazzi “Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cento” 2010 (book: Alfio e le scatole misteriose)1° prize at II Premio Internacional Álbum Ilustrado 2013 EDELVIVES (book: El barco volante y los personajes estrafalarios)The Children’s Book of the Month August 2005 by German Academy of Children’s Literature (book: Märchen, Sagen und Legenden)Published books
La scimmia e il melograno, Orecchio Acerbo (Rome, Italy), 2017
¡Tachán, tachán!, Thule Ediciones (Barcelona, Spain), 2016
Ojos de lobo, Thule Ediciones (Barcelona, Spain), 2016
El loro verde, Ediciones La Fragatina (Barcelona, Spain), 2015
El barco volante y los personajes estrafalarios, EDELVIVES (Madrid, Spain), 2013
La mejor bellota, HERMES Editora (Barcelona, Spain), 2012
Non t’arrabbiare Piro!, EDIZIONI DEL BORGO (Casalecchio di Reno, Italy), 2012
Nuovo arrivo in città, Edizioni KITE (Piazzola sul Brenta, Italy)
Due amici in città, Edizioni KITE, Piazzola sul Brenta – Deux amis dans la ville, PASSEPARTOUT (Franch co-edition), 2011Défense de circuler, PASSEPARTOUT (Franch co-edition), 2012
Garbancito, EDELVIVES, Madrid, 2010
Un loro en mi granja, EDELVIVES, Madrid, 2009
Un lugar donde ser feliz, MIL Y UN CUENTOS, Alcalà la Real, 2009
Österreichische Märchen, VITALIS-Verlag, Praga, 2009
Alfio e le scatole misteriose, FATATRAC, Firenze, 2009
La noche de los cambios, OQO EDITORA, Pontevedra, 2008
Gaspar, el pastor de liebres, OQO EDITORA (Pontevedra, Spain), 2007
Jüdische Märchen, VITALIS-Verlag (Prague, Czech Republic), 2006
Tschechische Märchen, VITALIS-Verlag (Prague, Czech republic), 2007
Märchenreich, VITALIS-Verlag (Prague, Czech Rpublic), 2006
Krambambuli, VITALIS-Verlag (Prague, Czech Republic), 2006
Tschechische Märchen, VITALIS-Verlag (Prague, Czech republic), 2006
Bergkristall, VITALIS-Verlag (Prague, Czech Republic), 2005
Beeelinda fuori dal gregge, FATATRAC (Florence, Italy), 2006
Märchen, Sagen und Legenden, VITALIS-Verlag (Prague, Czech Republic), 2005
Dove va Crispino?, FATATRAC (Florence, Italy), 2005
Fips hat Geburtstag. Eine Geschichte aus dem Goldenen Gässchen., VITALIS-Verlag (Prague, Czech Republic), 2004